1) Men raise there hands all the way to the ear for Takbeer while women raise their hands only up to their shoulders.
2) In Qayam (the standing posture) Men place their hands below Navel while women place their hands on their chest.
3) Men grasp their wrist while women do not. They only place right hand on the top of left with fingers intact together.
4 ) In Ruku (the bowing posture) Men's back is horizontal while women suppose to bend their back only far enough to touch their knees. Looking from far it will look like a bow arc. They won't flatten their back.
5 ) In Sajdah men's back portion is raised from ground and hands apart from body and fingers of feet twisted while women suppose to be gathered in a way so that all their body parts are close together and abdomen placed over her thighs.Both feet and ankles sticking out to the right. Lower portion of back touching the ground.
6 ) During Jalsa and Qaida (sitting between Sajdah and during Attahyat) men sit on their left ankle and their right foot's fingers are twisted while women sit on floor and their both ankles and feet sticking out towards right hand side.

These are the only differences between a Man's Salat and a Woman's Salat. 

The reason why women are told to pray differently can be seen through 2 things:

1. Their physical appearance is different to men
2. Commandment concerning praying in hadith

From ahadith we see.....

It is stated that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) passed by two women who were performing Salaat. He said: "When you make sajdah, attach your body to the ground. Indeed women are not like men in this matter." (i.e. they differ in the posture of sajdah). (Maraasil of Imaam Abu Dawood (R.A))

It is debated in the different madhabs exactly what is meant by "When you make sajdah, attach your body to the ground. Indeed women are not like men in this matter." Different opinions do exist pertaining the matter, following one or the other is not sinful since they are opinions of the scholars:
Opinions concerning "When you make sajdah, attach your body to the ground. Indeed women are not like men in this matter."

- the arms are to be lowered but the forearms not placed on the ground

- the forearms must touch the ground

However it is very important to note that ALL madhabs are in agreement regarding the fact that the body of the woman must be as close to the ground as possible, unlike men who take a more 'elevated' status with their forearms lifted high and their backsides lifted high as well.

For women it is important to 'conceal' as much while doing salah...it is the same reason why women DO NOT place their hands on the navel while standing but on their chest and also the same reason why women do not raise their backside while doing sajdah but rather keep it low....why?

Well try it and see what happens...if you will place your hand on your navel your bussom will become more apparent since the hind arms will push them forward. But if you place your hands on the bussom they will be concealed more...

Same with the backside being raised...it makes the woman more "apparent" and less concealed if she was to raise her backside while in sajdah, that is why the women are commanded to be lower down.

Here are some other hadith concerning the matter:

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar (Radhiallaahu Anhu) reports that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "When a woman sits in Salaat, she should place the thighs (of one leg) upon the other and when she makes sajdah, she should attach her belly to her thigh so that it is as concealing as possible. For indeed Allah Ta'ala looks at her saying: 'O my angels I make you witness that I have indeed forgiven her'." (Baihaqi Vol.2 Pg.223)

and also

Waail bin Hujr (Radhiallaahu Anhu) says that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "O Waail, when you commence the Salaat, lift your hands in line with your ears and women should (only) lift it in line with the chest (shoulders)." (Kanzul Umaal Vol.7 Pg.307)

So basically it is well known that the way of salah of women differes from men in the following aspects:

- Way they stand
- Way they do ruku
- way they sit
- way they do sajdah

And if you think about it as well - it makes perfect sense since the physical makeup of women is very different from men.

Further Ahadith pertaning the matter can be found as follows:

Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be well pleased with him) narrates that the Holy Prophet said, 'When a woman sits in Sajdah by putting one thigh upon the other (i.e. close to one another) and at the time of Sajdah (prostration) her stomach touches her thighs and she also takes full consideration of Hijaab, then Allah Ta?la looks at her and says to the angels, 'Bear witness that I have forgiven her.' (Baihaqi, Kanzul Ummaal)


Once the Holy Prophet saw two women offering Prayer and he said, 'When you (women) make Sajdah (prostrate) then let the limbs of your body touch one another and make them touch the ground.' Surely in this (prostration posture) women are not similar to men.' (Masaail Abu Dawood)


Wail ibn Hajar (may Allah be well pleased with him) said that the Holy Prophet taught him to offer Prayer and he said, 'O ibn Hajar! When you begin your Prayer then lift your hands up to your ears and show the women that they should lift up to their chests.' (Tabarrani)


Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be well pleased with him) was once asked on how women used to offer Prayer during the time of the Holy Prophet . He replied, 'First they used to read Prayer cross-legged, then they were commanded to cling to themselves,' (Jaami al-Masanid).


1. Women are exempted from offering Prayer whilst in state of impurity (due to menses or childbirth).

2. Women should take extra care during "Wuzu and Tayammum" by moving ornaments (such as rings) in order not to leave the area below them - whereas nail polish should be totally removed.

3. If several persons are praying in the same room, women should pray behind the men. They should not stand in line with the men.

Insha'allah that will help us all understand why there is a difference in the way women pray to men.