Saturday, 21 May 2011

...اندھی بُڑھیا -قصہِ عبرت

سیدنا عمر اور ابوبکر رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہم کے درمیان پیش آنے والے اس واقعہ میں، جو لوگ غور و فکر اور تدبر کرنا چاہتے ہوں، اُن کی عبرت کے لئے بہت سی باتیں پوشیدہ ہیں۔
ابن القیم رحمۃ اللہ علیہ اپنی کتاب (روضۃ المُحبین و نزھۃ المشتاقین) میں لکھتے ہیں کہ عمر رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ روزانہ صبح کی نماز کے بعد سیدنا ابو بکر رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہ کو غائب پاتے۔ وہ دیکھ رہے تھے کہ ابوبکر رضی اللہ عنہ نماز کی ادائیگی کیلئے تو باقاعدگی سے مسجد میں آتے ہیں مگر جونہی نماز ختم ہوئی وہ چپکے سے مدینہ کے مضافاتی علاقوں میں ایک دیہات کی طرف نکل جاتے ہیں۔ کئی بار ارادہ بھی کیا کہ سبب پوچھ لیں مگر ایسا نہ کر سکے ۔ایک بار وہ چپکے سے حضرت ابوبکر رضی اللہ عنہ کے پیچھے چل دیئے۔ سیدنا ابو بکر رضی اللہ عنہ دیہات میں جا کر ایک خیمے کے اندر چلے گئے۔ کافی دیر کے بعد جب وہ باہر نکل کر واپس مدینے کی طرف لوٹ چکے تو حضرت عمر رضی اللہ عنہ اُس خیمے میں داخل ہوئے، کیا دیکھتے ہیں کہ خیمے میں ایک اندھی بُڑھیا دو چھوٹے چھوٹے بچوں کے ساتھ بیٹھی ہوئی ہے۔ حضرت عمر رضی اللہ عنہ نے بڑھیا سے پوچھا؛ اے اللہ کی بندی، تم کون ہو؟بڑھیا نے جواب دیا؛ میں ایک نابینا اور مفلس و نادار عورت ہوں، ہمارے والدین ہمیں اس حال میں چھوڑ کر فوت ہو گئے ہیں کہ میرا اور ان دو لڑکیوں کا اللہ کے سوا کوئی اور آسرا نہیں ہے۔حضرت عمر رضی اللہ عنہ نے پھر سوال کیا؛ یہ شیخ کون ہے جو تمہارا گھر میں آتا ہے؟بوڑھی عورت (جو کہ حضرت ابوبکر رضی اللہ عنہ کی اصلیت نہیں جانتی تھی) نے جواب دیا کہ میں اس شیخ کو جانتی تو نہیں مگر یہ روزانہ ہمارے گھر میں آکر جھاڑو دیتا ہے، ہمارے لئیے کھانا بناتا ہے اور ہماری بکریوں کا دودھ دوہ کر ہمارے لئیے رکھتا اور چلا جاتا ہے۔حضرت عمر یہ سُن کر رو پڑے اور کہا؛ اے ابو بکر، تو نے اپنے بعد کے آنے والے حکمرانوں کیلئے ایک تھکا دینے والا امتحان کھڑا کر کے رکھ دیا ہے

Who are the Yajooj and Majooj?

The Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj

During the reign of Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) people will live an extremely peaceful life filled with prosperity and abundance. Then the wall which imprisons Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj will break and they will surge forth in large numbers.
"But when Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj are let loose and they rush headlong down every hill" (Quran 21:97)

Who are the Ya'jooj and Majooj?

Zul Qarnain (A.S.) who was a pious and just Ruler travelled to many lands and conquered them, establishing justice and the Law of Allah therein. Allah Ta'ala provided him with all forms and material strength through which he was able to carry out his conquests and missions.

He once carried out a mission in three directions, the far west, the far east, and then in a northerly direction. It was here that he came across a tribe of people who complained to him about the tribes of Ya'jooj and Majooj which inhabited the land behind two huge mountains and often emerged from behind these mountains to perpetrate acts of anarchy and plunder among them. They requested Zul Qarnain (A.S.) to erect a barrier between themselves and the tribes of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj so that they could be saved from their atrocities. With the material strength at his disposal, Zul Qarnain (A.S.) enlisted their physical labor and set about erecting a high wall between the two mountains. The height of the wall or its exact length is unknown. What is known is that the height of this wall reaches that of the summit of both mountains. It is made with blocks or sheets of iron, which is further strengthened by molten lead. In this manner Ya'jooj and Majooj are unable to scale the wall, or cross it, except when it is the will of Allah.

"And when the promise of my Rabb approaces, He will level it to dust" (Quran 18:98)
They are situated in a land of ice which is hidden from our gazes and the exact location of which is unknown. Though many interpretations do exist in this respect, none of these can be said to absolute.
Ya'jooj and Majooj are human beings and according to a narration they are from the progeny of Yafith ibn Nooh (A.S.).

Some Ahadith...

In a lengthy hadith by Hadhrat Nawwas ibn Sam'aan (R.A.) Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) is reported to have said:

"...Allah will send revelation upon Eesa (A.S.) that 'Such a creation of mine is now going to emerge that no power will be able to stop them. Therefore take my servants and ascend the Mount of Toor.' Then Ya'jooj and Majooj will emerge and surge forth in all their fury. When those from among them who constitute the former part of their army pass the lake of Tiberias (which is in northern Palestine), they will drink up all the water of that lake and by the time those that constitute the latter part of that same army pass the lake, they will say, "There used to be water here (long ago). When they reach the Mount of Khamr in Jerusalem, they will arrogantly proclaim: 'We have conquered the people of the earth, now we will annihilate those in the sky.' So saying they will fire their arrows towards the sky. When the arrows return to the ground they will be blood stained.

In the meantime, Eesa (A.S.) will be on the Mount of Toor with his followers. At that time the head of and ox will be as valuable as is a hundred dinars to you in this day. [This indicates the scarcity of provisions]. Faced with these hardships, Eesa (A.S.) and his followers will make dua unto Allah (to remove this calamity). As a result, Allah will cause sores to appear on the necks of each and every individual of these people which will cause their death suddenly. When Eesa (A.S.) and his followers descend from the Mount of Toor there will not be a single space on the land where the dead rotting bodies of these people is not littered, giving off a horrendous odour. Eesa (A.S.) and his followers will once more supplicate unto Allah as a result of which Allah will send down huge birds whose necks will be as thick as that of the necks of camels, and they will dump these bodies in a place where Allah wills. (According to a narration by Tirmidhi, they will be dumped at a place called Nahbal).

Allah Ta'ala will then send down a heavy rain, the waters of which will flow in every part of the earth cleansing it thoroughly. It will rain for a period of forty days.
The Muslims will then burn the bows and arrows of the Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj for a period of seven years.

Allah will order the earth to yield forth its crops in abundance and there will be such blessing and prosperity that one pomegranate will be sufficient for a whole group while the peel thereof will suffice to cast a shadow over them. The milk of one camel will be sufficient for many groups while one milk giving cow will be sufficient for a whole tribe. One milk giving goat will be sufficent for a whole family..."(Muslim)
Hadhrat Abu Saeed Khudri (R.A.) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:

"On the day of Qiyamah Allah will say to Adam (A.S.) to pick out the Jahannamis from his entire progeny. Adam (A.S.) will ask: 'O Rabb, who are they?'
Allah will say: 'Nine hundred and ninety nine of a thousand are Jahannami while the one is a Jannati.'

On hearing this the Sahaba were overtaken by fear and they asked "O Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam), who will that one Janniti be?'
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: 'Do not grieve, the nine hundred and ninety nine will be Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj while you will be the Jannati."' (i.e. your numbers in relation to them will be one in a thousand).
(Bukhari and Muslim)

Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Umar (R.A.) says that Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said:"Allah Ta'ala divided mankind into ten parts. Nine tenths constitute Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj while the remaining tenths constitutues the rest of mankind."

Hadhrat Zainab bint Jahsh (R.A.) says: "...once Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wassallam) awoke from such a sleep that his face was red and these words were on his tongue: 'There is none worthy of worship except Allah. Destruction is upon the Arabs on account of the evil which has come close to them. Today a hole as big as this has opened up in the wall of Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj.' ..and Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) indicated the size of the hole forming a ring with his index finger and thumb."

(Bukhari and Muslim)

Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (R.A.) narrates that every day Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj break (dig) through the wall erected by Zul Qarnain (A.S.) until they reach the end of it to that extent that they can actually see the light on the other side. They then return (home) saying that 'We will break through tomorrow.' But Allah Ta'ala causes the wall to revert to its original thickness and the next day they start digging through the wall all over again, and this process continues each day until as long as Allah wills them to remain imprisoned. When Allah wishes them to be released, then at the end of the day they will say, "If Allah wills, tomorrow we will break through." The following day they will find the wall as they had left it the previous day (i.e. it will not have returned to its orginal state) and after breaking the remaining part of it they will emerge."
(Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)

Commenting on the above hadith, Allamah Ibn Arabi says, Three miracles are evident in this Hadith:

1.) It never occurs to these tribes that they must continue work during the night. After all, they are in such large numbers that they can easily delegate the work among themselves and work in shifts. But Allah does not allow this thought to occur to them.

2.) It never occurs to them that they can merely cross the mountains or scale the wall, which they can do through the aid of equipment and implements wich they possess in large numbers. According to a narration by Wahab ibn Munabbah it is known that these tribes are agriculturists and artisians possessing various types of equipment.

3.) The thought of saying "If Allah wills" never enters their minds and it will only occur to them to say it when Allah wills that they be released.

from: "Signs of Qiyamah"by Mohammed Ali Ibn Zubair Ali


A student was walking one day with his Sheikh(spiritual guide). As they went along they saw lying in the path a pair of old shoes, which belonged to an old man who was working in a field nearby. His work for that day was nearly done.
The student turned to the Sheikh saying: "Let us play a trick on the man: we will hide his shoes and conceal ourselves behind those bushes and wait to see his response when he cannot find them".

"My young friend" answered the Sheikh, "we should never amuse ourselves at the expense of the poor. You are rich and may give yourself a much greater pleasure by the means of this poor man. Put a coin in each shoe and then we will hide and watch how this affects him".

So it was and they hid behind some bushes. The poor man finished his work and came to the path where he had left his coat and shoes. While putting his coat on he slipped his foot into one of his shoes. Feeling something hard he stooped down to feel what it was and he found a coin.

Astonishment and wonder were upon his face. He gazed at the coin, turned it around and around looking at it again and again. He then looked all around but could see no one. He put the money in his pocket and proceeded to put the other shoe on; but his surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.

His feelings overcame him; he fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent thanksgiving to Allah Almighty in which he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless and his children without bread whom this timely bounty from some unknown hand would save from perishing.

The student stood there deeply affected and tears filled his eyes. "Now" said the Sheikh – are you not much better pleased than if you had played your trick?"

The youth replied, "You have taught me a lesson which I will never forget. I feel now the truth of these words, which I never understood before: "It is more blessed to give than to receive".

And whatever you spend for spendings (e.g., in Sadaqah – charity, etc. for Allâh's Cause) or whatever vow you make, be sure Allâh knows it all. And for the Zâlimûn (wrong-doers, etc.) there are no helpers. (Al-Baqarah 2:270)

Kind words and forgiving of faults are better than Sadaqah (charity) followed by injury. And Allâh is Rich (Free of all wants) and He is Most-Forbearing. (Al-Baqarah 2:263)

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

The obvious existence of God

From the moment man opens his eyes to this world a great order surrounds him. He needs oxygen to survive. It is interesting that the atmosphere of the planet on which he lives provides more than just the adequate amount of oxygen he needs. This way, he breathes without difficulty. For the existence of life on this planet, the existence of a source of heat is essential. In response to this need, the sun is located just at the right distance to emit just the exact amount of heat and energy man needs. Man needs nourishment to survive. Every corner of the world abounds in astonishingly diversified provisions. Likewise, man needs water. Surprisingly, three-fourths of the planet is covered with water. Man needs shelter, and in this world, there is land on which it is suitable to build and all sorts of materials to make shelters.

These are only a few among billions of details making life possible on earth. In brief, man lives on a planet perfectly designed for his survival. This is certainly a planet "created for human beings".

A person's interpretation of the world rests on "acquired methods of thought." That is, he thinks in the way he has been taught, or, less kindly, the way in which he is indoctrinated. Under this misguidance, he often dismisses all the aforementioned as "trivial realities." However, if he does not side-step the matter, and start questioning the conditions making our existence possible, he will surely step out of the boundaries of habitual thinking and start to think:

How does the atmosphere serve as a protective ceiling for the earth?

How does each one of the billions of cells in the human body know and perform its individual tasks?

How does this extraordinary ecological balance exist on earth?

A person seeking answers to these questions surely proceeds on the right path. He does not remain insensitive to things happening around him, and doesn't plead ignorance about the extraordinary nature of the world. A person who asks questions, who reflects on and gives answers to these questions will realize that on every inch of the planet, a plan and an order reigns:

How did the flawless order in the whole universe come into being?

Who provided the delicate balances in the world?

How did living beings, incredibly diversified in nature, emerge?

Keeping oneself occupied with relentless research to answer these questions results in a clear awareness that everything in the universe, its
order, each living being and structure is a component of a plan, a product of design. Every detail, the excellent structure of an insect's wing, the system enabling a tree to carry tons of water to its topmost branches, the order of planets, and the ratio of gases in the atmosphere, are all unique examples of perfection.

In every detail of the infinitely varied world, man finds his Creator. God, the owner of everything in the whole universe, introduces Himself to man through the flawless design of His creation. Everything surrounding us, the birds in flight, our beating hearts, the birth of a child or the existence of the sun in the sky, manifest the power of God and His creation. And what man must do is to understand this fact.

These purposes owe their existence to the fact that everything has been created. An intelligent person notices that plan, design and wisdom exist in every detail of the infinitely varied world. This draws him to recognition of the Creator.

So you never plead ignorance that all living beings, living or non-living, show the existence and greatness of God. Look at things around you and strive to show appreciation in the best manner for the eternal greatness of God.

The existence of God is OBVIOUS. Ignoring it would only be the beginning of the greatest damage we could ever do to ourselves. That is simply because God is in no need of anything. He is the One Who shows His greatness in all things and in all ways. God is the owner of everything, from the heavens to the earth. We learn the attributes of God from the Qur'an:

God! There is no god but Him, the Living, the Self-Sustaining. He is not subject to drowsiness or sleep. Everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him. Who can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what is behind them but they cannot grasp any of His knowledge save what He wills. His Footstool encompasses the heavens and the earth and their preservation does not tire Him. He is the Most High, the Magnificent. (Surat al-Baqarah: 255)

Belief in Angels and a description of their duties:

Belief in Angels and a description of their duties:
2:285 (Y. Ali) The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith. Each one (of them) believeth in Allah, His Angels, His books, and His apostles. "We make no distinction (they say) between one and another of His apostles." And they say: "We hear, and we obey: (We seek) Thy forgiveness, our Lord, and to Thee is the end of all journeys."

21:27 (Y. Ali) They speak not before He speaks, and they act (in all things) by His Command.
Jibril (A Messenger, the Angel who brought wahy (Revelation) from Allah

2:97 (Y. Ali) Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel-for he brings down the (revelation) to thy heart by Allah's will, a confirmation of what went before, and guidance and glad tidings for those who believe,-
2:98 (Y. Ali) Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and apostles, to Gabriel and Michael,- Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith.
19:17 (Y. Ali) She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects.

Hamalat al-'Arsh, Those who carry the 'Arsh (throne of Allah)

40:7 (Y. Ali) Those who sustain the Throne (of Allah. and those around it Sing Glory and Praise to their Lord; believe in Him; and implore Forgiveness for those who believe: "Our Lord! Thy Reach is over all things, in Mercy and Knowledge. Forgive, then, those who turn in Repentance, and follow Thy Path; and preserve them from the Penalty of the Blazing Fire!

Hunkar and Nakir (Questions those in the graves)

66:6 (Y. Ali) O ye who believe! save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allah, but do (precisely) what they are commanded.

Isra’il The angel of death

32:11 (Y. Ali) Say: "The Angel of Death, put in charge of you, will (duly) take your souls: then shall ye be brought back to your Lord."

Israfil (The angel that will blow the horn beginning the Day of Judgement)

Will blow the trumpet twice at the end of time. At the first blow, everyone in heaven and earth will die and the second blow all will be brought in front of Allah.

69:13 (Y. Ali) Then, when one blast is sounded on the Trumpet

36:51 (Y. Ali) The trumpet shall be sounded, when behold! from the sepulchres (men) will rush forth to their Lord!

Harut and Marut

2:102 (Y. Ali) They followed what the evil ones gave out (falsely) against the power of Solomon: the blasphemers Were, not Solomon, but the evil ones, teaching men Magic, and such things as came down at babylon to the angels Harut and Marut. But neither of these taught anyone (Such things) without saying: "We are only for trial; so do not blaspheme." They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife. But they could not thus harm anyone except by Allah's permission. And they learned what harmed them, not what profited them. And they knew that the buyers of (magic) would have no share in the happiness of the Hereafter. And vile was the price for which they did sell their souls, if they but knew!
Makail (Charged with providing sustenance)
2:98 (Y. Ali) Whoever is an enemy to Allah and His angels and apostles, to Jabril and Makail Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith.
Hafaza (The Guardian Angels):
Kiraman Katibin (Honourable Recorders) (Two Angels -One writes down good deeds, and the other writes down evil deeds)

82:11 (Y. Ali) Kind and honourable,- Writing down (your deeds):
Mu'aqqibat (The Protectors) (Angels who keep people from death until its decreed time and who bring down blessings and go back to Allah with the news of the creatures..)
13:11 (Y. Ali) For each (such person) there are (angels) in succession, before and behind him: They guard him by command of Allah. Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change it themselves (with their own souls). But when (once) Allah willeth a people's punishment, there can be no turning it back, nor will they find, besides Him, any to protect.
Malik is the chief of the angels who guards Hell.

43:77 (Y. Ali) They will cry: "O Malik! would that thy Lord put an end to us!"
He will say, "Nay, but ye shall abide!"
Zabaniah are 19 angels who torment sinful persons in hell.

74:30 (Y. Ali) Over it are Nineteen.
74:31 (Y. Ali) And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have fixed their number only as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What symbol doth Allah intend by this ?" Thus doth Allah leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a warning to mankind.

Importance & Benefit Of Tawheed...

Tawheed is the essence of Islam and the mainspring of its strength. All other laws, beliefs and commands of Islam stand firm on this foundation. If you take it away there is nothing left of Islam.

Tawheed is the call of all the prophets to their people. And verily We have sent among every nation a Messenger proclaiming Worship Allah Alone and avoid all false deities. (Qur’aan 16:36)

Fulfilling tawheed is the purpose of man's life. And I created not the Jinns and Men except that they should worship Me. (Soorah Adh-Dhaariyaat Aayah 56). The word Soorah (pronounced soo-rah) refers to one of the 114 chapters of the Qur’aan and Aayah (pronounced eye-ya) refers to a verse within the chapter. The plural of Soorah is suwar and the plural of aayah is aayaat. The word Jinn here refers to a separate type of creation that live and die, have families, believe and disbelieve like men but who are fundamentally of a different physical and psychological nature. They are sometimes referred to in popular western writing as “genies” and they do possess certain abilities and attributes beyond that of humans. They are mentioned in several places in the Qur’aan and the authentic hadeeth.

By declaring sincere belief in tawheed, a disbeliever will become a Muslim. Conversely, a Muslim will become a disbeliever (kaafir) if he rejects any aspect of it.

By tawheed, we achieve salvation from Eternal punishment in the Hereafter, right guidance in this world, and forgiveness for sins. Allah states in the Qur’aan: ‘‘Verily Allah does not forgive associating partners with Him (shirk) however He forgives all other sins as He pleases.’’ (Soorah An-Nisaa, Aayah 48). The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: The worshipper’s right on Allah is that He will not punish those who worship none besides Him. [Al-Bukhari and Muslim] (Al-Bukhaari and Muslim are the compilers of the two most authentic collections of hadeeth in existence – Ed.)

Whoever fulfills tawheed will be admitted to the Garden (Al-Jannah) in the Hereafter. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) has stated: Verily Allah has promised that whosoever does not commit shirk shall enter Al-Jannah (the Garden in the Heaven). [Al-Bukhari)]

It is the way to relieve peoples' sadness because true happiness can be achieved if persons realize tawheed within their hearts. They will also never feel psychologically enslaved even if physically captive.

It is the only reason for Allah’s pleasure and rewards. In another aayah in the Qur’aan Allah says: “If you reject faith then know that Allah is in no need of you and He does not accept disbelief from His slaves.” [B](Qur’aan 39;7/B] Disbelief is nothing but a manifestation of shirk which is the opposite of tawheed. That is, one who disbelieves almost inevitably breaches some matter of tawheed. All those who commit shirk (called mushrikoon and pronounced moosh-rick-coon) are disbelievers (called kuffaar pronounced koo-far the singular being kaafir).

The acceptance of all of one’s religious deeds is based upon tawheed. Allah states: Whoever accepts a religion other than Islam it shall be rejected by Allah and in the Hereafter he will be among the losers. (Soorah Aali-'Imraan Aayah 85). Islam is indeed the embodiment of the belief in tawheed.

Tawheed prevents man from eternally remaining in the Hellfire. The Prophet Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.) stated in an authentic report: Whoever dies and has so much as a mustard seed of faith in his heart shall enter Al-Jannah. Faith here signifies a correct belief in Allah and His Messenger Muhammad sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) and all that they instructed, commanded and prohibited for mankind.

The Benefits of Tawheed..

By Shaykh Muhammad Bin Jameel Zainoo

When pure tawheed is actualised in the life of an individual or the society it produces the best of results. From its results are the following:

1) Liberation of mankind from worship and submission to other than Allah. The creation cannot create anything, rather they themselves are created. They are not capable of harming nor benefiting their souls. They are not capable of causing death nor giving life nor are they able to resurrect the dead.

•So tawheed liberates man from every worship, except to his Lord, the One Who created him and then proportioned him.
•It liberates his intelligence from deviation and delusions.
•It liberates his mind from obedience, humility and submission to other than Allah.
•It liberates his life from the mastery of the rulers, the soothsayers and those who deem themselves divinely appointed over the slaves of Allah.
Due to this, the leaders of shirk and oppression in the times of ignorance rose up against the call of the Prophets in general and particularly against the call of the Messenger, because of the fact that they understood the meaning of "La ilaaha lila Allah" to be a universal pronouncement for the liberation of mankind, and the overthrowing of the tyrants from their false thrones, and the elevation of the faces of believers, those who do not prostrate except to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

2) The personality remains balanced. Tawheed aids the formation of a balanced personality, the preferred aim and direction of this life, and it unifies and consolidates its purpose. So the personality does not turn except to the only One worthy of worship, and it turns to Him in private and in open and it calls to him in private and in open, and it calls upon Him in ease and in adversity. As opposed to the Mushrik (pagan) who shares his heart between those who are worshipped besides Allah, at times he turns to the living and at times he turns to the dead, and Yusuf said: "Oh my two companions of the prison, are many different lords better, or Allah, the One, the Irresistible? [Qur'an 12:39]. So, the believer worships One Lord, he knows what is pleasing to Him and what is displeasing to Him, lie stops at whatever pleases Him and his heart becomes calm. As for the Mushrik, lie worships numerous deities, one he takes from here and another he takes from there and he is divided between them and he has no comfort.

3) Tawheed is the source of security for the people, because it fills the soul of the individual with peace and satisfaction. He does not fear anyone except Allah and tawheed blocks the ways to fear of loss in provisions, the soul and the family, fear from mankind, inn, death and other than that from those things which are feared. The believer who worships Allah alone. does not fear anyone except Him and because of this he feels secure whilst the rest of mankind fear and he feels satisfaction whilst the people are restless. This is the meaning that is indicated in the Qur'an in His saying: "Those who believe and do not mix their belief with dhulm, they are those upon whom is security and they are the rightly guided" [6:82]. This security emerges from the innermost depths of the soul and not from any police guard which is the security of this world. As for the security of the Hereafter, then it is greater and more lasting for those who are sincere to Allah and do not mix their tawheed with shirk, because shirk is a great dhulm.

4) Tawheed is the source for the strengthening of the soul, because it gives an individual a strong and formidable mental attitude, by which he fills his soul with hope in Allah, confidence in Allah and reliance upon Allah, pleasure with His Decree, gives him patience upon His Tests and freedom from reliance upon the creation. This individual is firmly established, like the mountains, and when a calamity befalls him he asks his Lord to remove it and not the dead. The Prophet (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam) indicated this in his saying: "When you ask, then ask Allah and when you seek help, then seek help from Allah alone" [Hasan Sahih – Tirmidhi]. "If Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it except Him" [Qur'an 6:17].

5) Tawheed is the foundation of brotherhood and equality, because it does not permit following those who take others as lords besides Allah, since worship is for Allah alone and worship to Allah alone must be from all of mankind, and the head of them is Muhammad (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam) His Messenger and His chosen one.

Friday, 6 May 2011

بہادری اور جرأت

بارہ سال کا ایک بچہ ہاتھ میں تلوار پکڑے تیز تیز قدموں کے ساتھ ایک طرف لپکا جارہا تھا۔ دھوپ بھی خاصی تیز تھی، بشتی میں سناٹا طاری تھا، یوں لگتا تھا جیسے اس بچے کو کسی کی پروا نہیں۔ لپکتے قدموں کا رخ بستی سے باہر کی طرف تھا، چہرہ غصے سے سرخ تھا، آنکھیں کسی کی تلاش میں دائیں بائیں گھوم رہی ہیں، اچانک ایک چٹان کے پیچھے سے ایک سایہ لپکا۔ بچے نے تلوار کو مضبوطی سے تھام لیا۔ آنے والا سامنے آیا تو بچے کا چہرہ خوشی سے کھل اُٹھا۔ ہاتھ میں تلوار اور چہرے پر حیرت اور مسرت کی جھلملاہٹ دیکھ کر آنے والے نے شفقت سے پوچھا: " میرے پیارے بیٹے! ایسے وقت میں تم یہاں کیسے؟"
بچے نے جواب دیا : " آپ کی تلاش میں۔" اس بچے کا نام زبیر تھا۔ باپ کا نام عوام اور ماں کا نام صفیہ رضی اللہ عنھا تھا۔ یہ بچہ رسول صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کا پھوپی زاد بھائی تھا۔
قصہ یہ پیش آیا تھا کہ مکہ مکرمہ میں افواہ پھیلی کہ پیغمبر صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کو کفار نے پہاڑوں میں پکڑلیا ہے۔ مکہ میں دشمن تو بہت زیادہ تھے، اس لیے ایسا ہوبھی سکتا تھا۔ حضرت زبیر رضی اللہ عنہ نے جن کی عمر بارہ سال تھی فوراً تلوار اٹھائی اور اکیلے ہی آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کی تلاش میں نکل کھڑے ہوئے۔ آخر آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم مل گئے۔ پیارے نبی صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم نے اس حالت میں دیکھ کر حیرت سے پوچھا: " اگر واقعی مجھے پکڑ لیا گیا ہوتا تو پھر تم کیا کرتے۔" اس بارہ سالہ بچے نے جواب دیا: " میں مکّہ میں اتنے قتل کرتا کہ ان کے خون کی ندیاں بہادیتا اور کسی کو زندہ نہ چھوڑتا۔"
پیارے نبی صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم یہ بات سن کر ہنس پڑے اور اس جرأت مندانہ انداز پر اپنی چادر مبارک انعام کے طور پر عطافرمائی۔ اللہ تعالٰی کو یہ ادا پسند آئی۔ جبرئیل( علیہ السلام) آسمان سے نازل ہوئے اور عرض کیا زبیر کو خوش خبری دے دیں کہ اب قیامت تک جتنے لوگ اللہ کے راستے میں تلوار اٹھائیں گے، ان کا ثواب زبیر کو بھی ملے گا۔
بہادری اور جرأت اللہ اور اس کے پیغمبر صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کو بہت پسند اور محبوب ہے۔ خود رسول اللہ بھی بہادر تھے بہادری کو پسند فرماتے تھے اور بزدلی سستی کاہلی سے آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کو نفرت تھی۔ ہر مسلمان کو بہادر بننا چاہیے۔

Bachon Ki 5 Baten

Bachon Ki 5 Baten Jo Zindagi Ka Matlab Samjha Sakti Hen.

(1).. Wo Ro Ker Mangty Hen Aur Apni Bat Manwa Lety Hen
(ALLAH Se Ro Ker Mangeye)

(2).. Wo Mitti Se Khailty Hen
(Takabaur Na Kejeye)

(3).. Larty Hen Jhagerty Hen Phir Sullah Ker Lety Hen
(Dil Me Keena, Bughz Aur Nafrat Na Rahkeye)

(4).. Jo Mile Kha Lety Hen Aur Khilaty Bhi Hen
(Sabar Shukar Aur Qana'at Kejeye)

(5).. Mitti Ke Ghar Banaty Hen Khail Ker Tor Bhi Dety Hen
(Duniya Ko Fani Samjo)

Ek mashkeeza, ek chakki, aur ek matti ka gharra

Hazrat Fatima (R.A) jo Aa'n Hazrat (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) ki sahibzaadiyon men sab se kam sin theen, ab 18 bars ki ho chuki theen aur shaadi ke paigham ane lage the.

Hazrat Ali (R.A) ne jab darkhwast ki to Ap (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) ne Hazrat Faatima (R.A) ki marzi daryaft ki. Wo chup raheen. Ap (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) ne Hazrat Ali (R.A) se poocha ke
"Tumhare paas meher men dene ke liye kya hai?"

Jawab mila, "Kuch bhi nahi."

Ap (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) ne farmaya, "Aur wo hatmiya zarrah kya hui?" (Jang-e-Badar men hath ayi thi)

Arz ki ke, "Wo to maujood hai."

Ap (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) ne farmaya, "Bas wo kaafi hai."

Taqreeban sawa sau rupe ki maaliyat ki is zarrah ke ilawa Hazrat Ali (R.A) ke paas ek bhair ki khaal aur boseeda yamni chaadar thi.

Hazrat Ali (R.A) ne ye sab sarmaya Hazrat Fatima-tu-Zehra (R.A) ki nazar kiya. Hazrat Ali (R.A) ab tak Ap (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) hi ke paas rehte the. Shaadi ke baad zarurat hui ke alag ghar len. Hazrat Haaris Bin Noman (R.A) ke bohut se ghar the jin men se wo kayi Aa'n-hazrat (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) ko nazar kar chuke the. Hazrat Fatima ne Ap (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) se kaha, "In hi se koi makan dilwa dijye."

Ap (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) ne farmaya, "Kahan tak? Ab to un se kehte hue bhi sharam ati hai."

Hazrat Haris (R.A) ne suna to daure aye ke, "Hazur (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam), men aur mere paas jo kuch hai, sab Ap (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) ka hai. Khuda ki qasam! Mera jo makan Ap (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) le lete hain, mujh ko is se ziada khushi hoti ke wo mere paas reh jaye."

Chunanche unho ne apna ek makan khaali kar diya. Hazrat Faatima (R.A) us men rihaish pazeer ho gayeen. Nabi Kareem (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) ne Sayyeda Aalm ko jo jahez diya, us men baan ki chaarpayi, chamrre ka gadda jis ke andar rui ke bajaye khajoor ke patte the, ek mashkeeza, ek chakki aur ek matti ka gharra tha.

Hazrat Fatima (R.A) jab naye ghar men abaad huin to Aa'n-hazrat (Sallala Ho Alaihi Wasalam) un ke paas tashreef laye.
Darwaze par kharre ho kar pehle andar ane ki ijazat chahi phir andar tashreef le aye. Ek bartan men paani mangwaya. Dono hath us men daale aur Hazrat Ali (R.A) ke seene aur baazuon par paani chirrka. Phir Hazrat Faatima (R.A) ko bulaya. Wo sharam se ghabraai si ayeen. Un par bhi paani chirrka aur farmaya, "Mene apne khaandan men sab se afzal shakhs se tumhara nikaah kiya hai."


Allah's Beautiful Gift

Azman Was Walking With His Father OnThe Payement Near The Supermarket.

Suddenly He Saw A Man Who Was Struggling To Walk With A Stick.
The Man Was Tall And Dressed in Simple But Clean Clothes.
He Was Wearing Dark Sunglasses Even Though it Was Nighttime.
Azman Asked His Father,
"Ya Abee! [O my father !] Why is The Man Wearing Dark Glasses in The Night?
Why is He Using A Stick And Moving it Around?"
His Father Followed His Gaze And Saw That it Was A Blind Man.
His Father said, "Ya ibnee! [O my son!]
Allah Has Not Given Him The Gift Of Sight.
This Man is Blind. He Cannot See."
Azman Was Shocked Snd Touched His Eyes And Said, "Alhamdulillah ".
Ya Allah! Shukran For The Eyes That You Have Given Me.
May I Only See What is Good And Halal With These Eyes.
Ya Allah, Make This Man's Life Easy For Him And Guide Him To The Straight Path. Ameen."
There Were Tears in Azman's Eyes As He Continued Looking At The Blind Man.
How Thankful He Felt That Allah HasGiven Him Eyes With Which To See.
When He Reached Home, Azman Put On A Blindfold On His Eyes And Tried To Walk Around.
He Started Bumping into The Furniture And The Walls.
He Was Slow And Clumsy.
Once He Even Fell Down As He Tripped Over The Stool.
He Could Not See His Mum's Beautiful Face Or The Beautiful Flowers in The Garden.
All He Saw Was Darkness.
He Heard So Many Noises And Almost Became Frightened.
He Could Not See Where The Noise WasComing From.
He Was Relieved To Take Off His Blindfold.
Suddenly, There Was A Burst Of Colour All Around Him.
For The First Time He ReallyAppreciated This Beautiful Gift Of SightFrom Allah.
Azman Touched His Eyes Again And said,

So Today Young Muslims, Before You Sleep.....
Say " Alhamdulillah " Because Allah has given you many gifts.
Not only eyes... but much more.... You can walk, you can talk, you can hear, and you can play....
All These Are Gifts from Allah!Alhamdulillah
Remember Me In UR Prayers